Last week I shared the beginnings of my camp stool project. Today I’m very happy to announce that the camp stools are done!

Here’s what I did:

1. Found sweet vintage camp stools on the curb (Score!)
2. Removed the old, ragged canvas seats
3. Sanded down and oiled up the wooden frames
4. Made a pattern for new seats based on the originals
5. Cut, ironed and sewed up new seats from pretty outdoor canvas I had on hand
(5b. Ran out of thread, procrastinated awhile, finally bought more and finished the sewing)
6. Attached the new seats to the frames
7. Took a seat and relaxed for a few minutes – Hurrah!


And here’s what it cost me:

Camp stools – free on curb
Canvas – free from my massive fabric stash
Heavy duty thread – $1.85
Staple gun & staples – had these on hand

Total cost: $1.85 (not bad!)

And just in time for a last-minute weekend camping trip I’m hoping to take this weekend. Fox river valley, here we come (in style)!

Last week I shared the beginnings of my camp stool project. Today I’m very happy to announce that the camp stools are done!

July 27, 2011

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